Children's Ministry, Family, Lent

Reading Day 29 – 34

Day 29 – Luke 10:25-37 – The Parable of the Good Samaritan This very famous parable is a second response to the question of an expert in the law.  Why didn’t the priest and Levite help the half-dead man?  What does this say about the law?  Remember how Jesus talked about the Sabbath (Day 23),

Children's Ministry, Family, Lent

Day 28 – Mark 9:2-13 – The Transfiguration

We come to another passage that the children learned before during worship.  It is a story about Jesus’s transfiguration.  We covered this passage at the beginning of Lent.  The children made a craft suncatcher of Jesus to show his bright clothes.   When we were talking about this passage while making the suncatcher, the children

Children's Ministry, Family, Lent

Reading Day 23 – 28

Day 23 – Mark 2:23-3:6 – Lord of the Sabbath  Sabbath is a day of rest that is in the Ten Commandments.  What is the difference between God’s intention for the Sabbath and how the Jews kept it? Day 24 – Mark 5:21-43 – A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman (Short version – Matthew

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