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Communications Team

Church on the Move: Sacramental Community

Sunday Worship 2020-10-18 Church on the Move: Sacramental Community This week's passage: Colossians 2:6-15 The Sacraments are community events of the church whereby we participate in God's story and God's family life. Sacraments are events whereby we renounce evil and combat the forces of darkness and…
October 18, 2020

Christ the Victor: Over Fear

Sunday Worship 2020-09-27 Christ the Victor: Over Fear This week's passage: Luke 12:4-7 In this passage we are encouraged not to entertain a misplaced fear of earthly things but to be in awe of the God who loves us and knows us, even down to the…
September 27, 2020

Christ the Victor: Over Bondage

Sunday Worship 2020-09-20 Christ the Victor: Over Bondage This week's passage: Mark 5:1-13 The account of Jesus freeing the demon-possessed man (or men) and famously sending the demons into a herd of pigs is included in all three synoptic gospels (Matthew 8, Mark 5, Luke 8). Many of…
September 20, 2020