One Body, One Spirit

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”

– Ephesians 4:2-6

When we say that we believe in Jesus, we are not just expressing belief in certain historical and metaphysical claims, but also declaring a desire for a world in which injustice, cruelty, and division are reversed and the meek and poor inherit the earth. We are expressing love for the God who created and redeemed us and to our fellow human beings who were also created in God’s image. 

And when we commit our lives to Jesus, we are also accepting God’s invitation to be a participant in God’s renewal of all things. We are one body of believers, united by one Spirit, called to one hope, a hope for the justice and mercy of our God. As we all navigate these tumultuous times, let us turn to the Lord in prayer for discernment and guidance through the Holy Spirit, both for ourselves and for our leaders.

Sermon Sneak Peek

The first gathering of believers was a dynamic and diverse group, and yet they were united in their love for Christ and for each other through the work of the Holy Spirit. This Sunday we will be taking a look at Acts 2:41-47 to learn how the Spirit of God binds together the followers of Jesus.

Stay tuned…

Communion Sunday

We will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper this week. The communion elements will be delivered through small group leaders. College students, if you are still in town, please let Han Lee or Young Kwang know so that we can deliver them to you. 

Overflow Patchwork Dinner

Join us on Saturday, June 6 @ 5 pm for the Overflow Patchwork Dinner: The Fruits of the Spirit!

Our guest speaker Pastor David will be talking with us about the fruits of the Spirit. We will each prepare one item for our dinner, which will be distributed. One body, many dinner items!  (via Zoom with real dinner)

Opening Church

We are planning on returning to in-person worship as soon as the pandemic reaches containment stage. Please pray for God’s guidance and wisdom in the decision process. 


All meetings will be held on Zoom. Click on the links to join!

Men’s Bible Study

Pastor David would like to start a men’s Bible study in the near future. If you are interested in a weekly meeting to discuss the Word with your brothers in Christ, please let Pastor David ( know!

Service Opportunities

Living Water continues to seek people to serve in leadership. The following are in need of volunteers:

  • Welcoming Ministry
  • Outreach Ministry
  • Diaconal (Mercy) Ministry
  • College Small Group Leaders for the Fall

Please contact a leader if you feel called to step up! 

Online Office Hours with Pastor David

If you would like to meet with Pastor David, you can contact him at to set up a virtual meeting. Pastor David would love to get to know all who comes to Living Water!

Some Things to Pray About This Week

  • For justice and healing for those hurt by discriminatory practices of law enforcement in the US
  • For the softening of hearts and opening of ears of authority figures 
  • For wisdom in the consideration of resuming in-person worship
  • For new graduates navigating this difficult time
  • For those struggling with finances
  • For students who may not be able to go home for the summer
  • For the new Diaconal Ministry

We encourage each of you to come to Living Water’s weekly Zoom prayer meeting on Thursday nights at 7pm!

See you all Sunday.

Stay safe,


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