About Living Water CRC

What We Believe

Just as Jesus shared the importance of Living Water with the Samaritan woman in John 4, we seek to proclaim the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

We do this work by sharing God’s Word both locally and outside our borders, nurturing faith within the church, caring for the oppressed, and equipping and training leaders to be servants in the Kingdom of God.

Please visit the Christian Reformed Church website to learn more.


We believe that God is the author of salvation and that we are His children.

3rd Culture

We live in an increasingly complex world and diverse cultures. We have a heart for those who live in-between cultures.


We are a cross-cultural community with members from all over the world.

We ❤️ Grand Rapids

We are a community called to serve Grand Rapids.

Meet Our Pastor

David Sung

Pastor David Sung has been in ministry for the last 23 years, serving Korean American churches in Michigan and New Jersey. He has led close to 50 short-term mission trips and considers them an important part of discipleship in the church.

For the last few years, he asked the Lord of two things:

  1. Let me plant a church.
  2. Let me serve in a multi-ethnic church.

Pastor David considers Living Water the answer to these prayers. Now, as the pastor of a multi-ethnic church plant, he prays that the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in the missions fields be manifested in Living Water. Pastor David’s passion is in worship, discipleship, and outreach.

Pastor David got his BA from the University of Washington in Seattle and his M.Div from Calvin Theology Seminary. He is an YWAMer and currently doing missions work in South India among devadasis (temple prostitutes).

He is married with six children. His wife, Lisa, teaches piano at Calvin College and serves as music director for the Calvin Gospel Choir. Pastor David enjoys playing with children, spending time in nature, and engaging in theological discussions.

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